Tips for Choosing the Best Photographer for your Quinceañera’s Celebration
Consejos para elegir el mejor fotógrafo para tu fiesta de quinceañera
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Tips para ayudarte a elegir el mejor fotografo profesional para tu fiesta de quinceanera. In this series of 15 articles: 15 questions and 15 answers, your perfect guide in the very difficult process of finding a professional photographer for your quinceanera.
More Quinceaneras Tips Here »
Choosing the best photographer for your quinceañera’s celebration can be an overwhelming task for parents, sponsors and quinceañeras alike.
This is an endeavor you don’t want to undertake without some handy, useful tips that can help you make a very well informed decision.
As a professional photographer, it’s my pleasure to unveil in this series of fifteen articles my personal opinion about this topic.
In each article you will be able to find fifteen of the most important questions you should ask any photographer you are considering to hire in order to cover your quinceañera’s celebration.
"Choosing the best photographer for your quinceañera’s celebration can be an overwhelming task for parents, sponsors and quinceañeras alike."
I have also answered each of the 15 questions, hoping that every response gives you also information about my personal work as a quinceañeras’ professional photographer.
Please click on each question listed below in order to access an article with the answer. For any additional question on the topic, don't hesitate contacting me through this quinceaneras blog site or through my website I hope it helps, thank you!
1. Are you a formally trained artist and professional photographer?
Tienes preparación formal como artista y fotógrafo profesional?
Tienes referencias de otros clientes para los que hayas trabajado como fotógrafo?
Tienes seguro (aseguranza) de responsabilidad profesional para tu negocio de fotografía?
Cuales son tus precios y opciones de paquetes de fotografía para quinceañeras?
5. What is your photography style?
Cuál es tu estilo de fotografía?
6. What type of equipment and backup equipment do you use?
Qué tipo de equipo usas y cual es el tipo de equipo que usas como repuesto?
7. Are you going to be the photographer covering my quinceañera?
Serás tú el fotógrafo que estará presente para cubrir mi quinceañera?
8. What kind of proof will I get from my event and what is your turnaround time?
Qué tipo de pruebas fotográficas recibiré de mi evento y con qué rapidez podría verlas?
9. What is the quality of the prints you deliver to your clients?
Cuál es la calidad de las impresiones que entregas a tus clientes?
10. What is the quality of the quinceañeras photo albums you deliver to your clients?
Cuál es la calidad de los album de fotos que entregas a tus clientes?
11- Do you work with an assistant or a second photographer?
Trabajas con un asistente o un segundo fotógrafo?
12. Do I get to keep all the pictures from my quinceanera party/event?
Podria quedarme con todas las fotos que hagas en mi fiesta de quinceanera?
13. Can my family and friends order additional prints from my quinceañera’s celebration?
Podría mi familia y amigos ordenar fotos adicionales de mi fiesta de quinceañera?
14. Do you offer photo and video packages for quinceañeras?
Ofreces servicios de fotografía y video para fiestas de quinceañeras?
15. What is your policy on payments and booking fees?
Cuales son sus condiciones para pagos y reservaciones?
Articles Coming soon!
More Tips: 15 Must-Have Pictures from your Quinceaneras' Celebration. The Quinceaneras' Shots List.
Mas Consejos: Las fotos que no pueden faltar en tu fiesta de quinceañera. Listado de fotos para quinceañeras.
Articles Coming soon!
More Tips: Quinceaneras' 15 Most Popular Traditions
Mas Consejos: Las 15 tradiciones mas populares en las fiestas de quinceañera!